Owairaka District School
Mt Albert
Wednesday 16th May
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 8 Executive Wing
Parliament Buildings
Dear Mrs Ardern,
I am writing to you because I want to tell you about how amazing Garden to Table is at Owairaka school.
Owairaka School is an Enviro School and we believe that learning life skills alongside reading, writing and maths is very important. Room 8 (our class) is an awesome place to learn in and last term we had a Garden to Table session each week. It was a fantastic experience.
In the kitchen we cook food that is multicultural and the times that we do this are lunch, morning tea or in the last block. Some of the ingredients are from the school gardens. The honey is from our bees and our eggs are from the chickens. The names of the chickens are Dusty, Ginger Ninja, Betsy and Violet.
Each time we have Garden to Table it also teaches us other skills like reading in real life because we have to read the recipes correctly and math because we measure accurately in cups or spoons. But sometimes we make mistakes because once someone put salt instead of sugar in a muffin and made it taste really salty and one person cut their leg with a knife! They had to relearn how to use one safety and get a new knife licence (to be able to use a knife by yourself).
Some of the foods look really disgusting but they turn out to be delicious. Once, I tasted a really green lumpy smoothie that had green vegetables in it and we made a banana skin muffin. Using the banana skin taught us that you can have zero waste in the kitchen.
I would like to invite you to come to our school and spend some time in our gardens and visit a Garden to Table lesson. You will get to try our delicious food and learn for yourself how awesome it is and know that all students should be able to experience this opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Lillia, Room 8